I’m a second year PhD student at Mathematical Institute of University of Oxford. My interests lie primarily in distinguishing groups by their finite quotients (aka profinite rigidity), especially in the context of group extensions with fixed kernel and quotient.

I’m supervised by Martin Bridson.


My work


  1. Distinguishing crystallographic groups by their finite quotients - Journal of Algebra, 2021. Joint with David Popović and Gareth Wilkes.
  2. Exact count of boundary pieces for ReLU classifiers: towards the proper complexity measure for classification - 39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2023. Joint with Adam Klukowski and Hu Tianyang. A summary poster available here.


  1. Solvable and non-solvable finite groups of the same order type - 2024.
  2. Lack of profinite rigidity among extensions with free quotient - 2023.
  3. Profinite rigidity properties of central extensions of 2-orbifold groups - 2023.
  4. Investigating transversals as generating sets for groups - 2019. Joint with Maurice Chiodo, Oscar Donlan and Robert Crumplin.

Notes & miscellanea

  1. Group extensions and how to find them - 2023. A talk given at Postgraduate Group Theory Conference in Edinburgh.
  2. Profinite rigidity and group extensions - 2023. Invited talk given at Workshop on Profinite Rigidity in Madrid.
  3. Profinite rigidity and group extensions - 2023. Short talk given at Finite and Residually-Finite Groups in Bilbao.
  4. Amenable groups and Banach-Tarski paradox - 2022. An essay done for ‘broadening requirements’ for Infinite Groups.
  5. Paulin’s rigidity for hyperbolic groups - 2020. My Part III Essay.



  1. [2024/04] Young Geometric Group Theory XII in Bristol.
  2. [2024/04] Groups, Topology, Applications: Gran Bilbao V in Bilbao.